The Mortgage Doctor with the Granite Doctor

A special thanks this week to Barb Kadrlik of the Granite Doctor.

Please contact them with any questions or if you would like to schedule service:

Granite Doctor
4383 Nicholas Street, Ste 102
Omaha, NE  68131
Phone: 402-884-1101

Learning about stone has been very exciting!  What may be obvious to many people has been a new education for me.  There are 2 types of stone…calcium and silicate.  The calcium based stones are softer stones like marble, limestone.  The silicate stones are harder like granite, slate.  But all stones have four things in common:  pH, absorption rage, breathability and natural attraction.

Stone with a higher pH will react to acid – meaning that if you were to drop acid onto marble, it will bubble and fizz.  That will not happen with granite.  Stone absorbs like a sponge – pores and capillaries are the highway through stone.  Natural stones need to “breathe”.  If they are not able to breathe, the eventually die – which means harder stones lose their luster and softer stones can actually crumble.  The above three items make natural stone naturally attractive to contaminates – all kinds.

Sealing stone keeps out contaminates.  Too much sealer will make it difficult for your stone to breathe…which results in Moisture Vapor Transmission…a natural force of nature…and can cause damage or even “death” to your stone.

Sealing will NOT guarantee stone will not chip, stain or crack.  It helps keep the stone looking its best AND prolongs the health of the stone.  Sealing should be done based on usage of the stone.  More use…more often it needs to be sealed.

One of the most frequently asked questions is, “Do I really need to seal my granite counter?  Seems like a pain….”

Answer:  Although granite is one of the hardest surfaces on earth, it is surprisingly absorbent.  Like all organic materials it needs to be sealed because it is very porous.  Sealing will not keep your stone from staining or even getting damaged by extreme heat…but it will give you the time to get a spill picked up before a stain sets in.  Sealing keeps contaminates out of the pours in the stone so it maintains its luster.

The next question asked most often is, “ Why is my stone dull”?

Answer:  That is easy, when the seal wears off contaminates fill the pores and the stone becomes dull.  To fix that you need to get the stone cleaned and resealed.  This is not something a home owner wants to tackle on his/her own.  This is when they need to contact the Granite Doctor.  We will be able to determine whether or not we can help repair the stone.  At the very least, we

How often should I seal my countertops?  

Answer:  That depends….how much use do they get?  If you wax your car in the spring and leave it in the garage all summer, you won’t need to wax it again in the fall.  However, if you wash it every week, you will most likely get another wax before winter.  Why?  The wax wears off….just like the seal on your countertop.  Washing it daily wears the seal down, but washing it with chemicals makes it wear off sooner.  Constant working in a single area also wears the seal off.  So, one portion of the countertop may need resealing sooner than other sections.  However, it is recommended that you get it cleaned and resealed at least once every 3 years.

How do I clean my countertops?

ANSWER:  It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on cleaners. We recommend plain soap and water.  Most important is to dry the stone after it is cleaned.   This should be done daily.  Don’t let water sit, especially if you have hard water.

Why NOW is the Time to Buy

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my video blog!

I want to tell you about what’s been going on in the housing market lately. We’ve all heard how the market is booming and interest rates have been at an all-time low. Is the market still hot?

Unfortunately, interest rates are on the rise and since July 1st have surged to the highest level in close to two years. Mortgage rates are up 45 percent in just the past six weeks. Analysts called this a "credit event unlike any pure rate spike in recent housing market history."

The good news, though, is despite the increase, interest rates are still historically low.

Why are interest rates rising?

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke reported the central bank may discontinue buying bonds as the economy continues to improve. These bonds have helped stimulate the economy by fueling spending and driving up stocks. Now that unemployment is falling and the economic growth continues, Bernanke said the central bank may pull back.

You might be wondering then what all this has to do with you? To buy or not to buy? Will interest rates go down?

Now is the time to buy. Interest rates will not drop to their previous 3% again anytime soon. As a buyer, you want to lock in that lowest interest rate possible now! If you wait too long the rising rates could price you out of the market.

So give the Mortgage Doctor a call! Let’s figure out what the next best step for you is!