Getting a Finance Check-Up Can Go a Long Way

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Are you thinking about buying a new home or refinancing the home you are currently living in? Now is a great time to do either, but before you sign the dotted line, you should give your finances a check-up.

By taking the time to determine the health of your finances, you are assuring that you are in an optimal place to take such a big step. Just like going to an experienced physician is the best way to determine if you have a clean slate of health, to discover the true picture of your credit, income and assets before making a decision on your home, it is best to visit an expert in the mortgage world. What will this mortgage expert look at? To get the clearest understanding of whether or not you are in good financial health, a mortgage expert will look at your income, your credit debt, your savings, your work history, as well as some other factors. Whether you receive a clean bill of financial health or if there are some factors that may need a little extra work to get them to a level to best suits you, it is great to know just where you stand.
So, if you or anyone you know is looking to refinance or buy a new home, send them to the Mortgage Doctor so they can get a financial check-up. I’ll walk you through all of the steps you must take to become a shining example of great financial health. So give me a call at (402) 301-4500 today to schedule an appointment with The Mortgage Doctor!

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