Five Hot Investments To Consider That Would Yield High Returns Despite a Government Default

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It could happen.  The US could default on its debts.  Don’t laugh, because it could very well become a reality – something that more and more financial experts are starting to speculate on.  As we approach the new deadline of August 2nd set by U.S. Secretary Tim Geithner to raise the debt ceiling, in case of a default the Uncle Sam would most likely be handled like any other bad boy on the debt block.  They’d suffer the same reduced credit ratings as the average consumer but of course on a major, major scale.  But the bigger question that looms in the air is what happens to the rest of us if the country’s financial outlook ends up hanging really low in the shadow of a US default.

We’ve all seen what happened with the bailout and how that maneuver backfired – but what about this:  what if, just what if the US does end up defaulting on its debts the way a large part of the Auto Industry did?  Well, I’ve got a few suggestions.  Here are some ways to invest where you could still manage to yield decent returns.  Government default or not.  Here they are, in no particular order:


Tried and true, you can’t go wrong with good old silver.  The main reason that silver is a safe investment choice for many is that there is a reasonably high demand for the precious metal and it is fairly easy to obtain, being relatively affordable.  Ounce for ounce, silver is significantly more affordable than gold at about forty dollars each ounce but since trading generally takes place on a smaller scale, it’s doable.


For millennia gold has been a solid investment, anyway you look at it.  For the sheer reason that its price continuously rises year over year.  One of the reasons that gold is a good investment choice is because we simply don’t have endless supply of the in-demand precious metal.  That alone is reason enough for its price to continue to spike – even double in a reasonably short time.

Foreign Currency

Investing in a foreign currency fund is one way to earn good money and fast.  The protection received from operating within the boundaries of a fund are insurmountable since they offer the knowledge and expertise of those managing the fund while also significantly reducing the risks involved if one is not well-versed in this market.  Since the foreign currency market is so fast-paced, it’s wise to also collaborate with a broker so you can get real time and up-to-date information.

Funds from Canada

Staying in North America but investing in another country is not such a bad idea when you consider the alternatives.  With a bustling economy that is expected to rise, any investment made into Canada is likely to yield solid returns.

High Dividend Stocks

Companies with very solid earnings work well for private investors because they almost always end up paying high dividends.  Knowing that these companies will mostly likely not default, gives investors peace of mind and protection.  With strong returns as high as over five and a half percent (AT&T), it’s a safe bet that these companies will maintain their obligations.
Keep in mind that the suggestions above do not promise huge returns and I wouldn’t expect them to be super cheap either but the main thing is that they will most likely hold their value.  The nice thing about these investments is that anyone can tap into them.  With more and more investors unwilling to maintain the status quo as far as their portfolios, there’s good cause for concern and preparation in case the US debt ceiling is reached come August 2nd.  This wouldn’t be the first time but when it happened in 1995, no specific measures were taken to adjust the debt ceiling until the following season the next year.  If history repeats itself this year, who knows if we can rely on the same actions by Congress or whether we’ll actually need to resort to buying silver, gold or foreign currency.

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